About the OVPIUE

Overview and Mandate

The Office of the Vice-Provost, Innovations in Undergraduate Education (OVPIUE) was established in 2015 to support President Meric Gertler’s goal of reimagining undergraduate education at the University of Toronto. To achieve this goal, the OVPIUE creates opportunities and pathways for faculty and staff, both individually and collectively, to explore new ways of supporting student learning and the student academic experience. This is achieved through the teaching grants we administer, the opportunities we coordinate for knowledge transfer that enable faculty to faculty learning, the implementation of new technologies that enhance the faculty, staff and student experience, the leveraging of data and analytics to better understand the undergraduate student journey and support for curriculum design and development.

Our office is invested in developing, assessing and supporting impactful, evidence-based, and technology-enabled teaching and learning initiatives across the University of Toronto. We work collaboratively with the divisions and other units on initiatives such as experiential learning infrastructure, enterprise level academic and educational technology systems, and data tools to inform academic decision-making.

These initiatives are vital to our mandate of enhancing the undergraduate student experience.

Headshot of Susan McCahan

Vice-Provost, Innovations in Undergraduate Education

Professor Susan McCahan is the Vice-Provost, Innovations in Undergraduate Education, and the Associate Vice-President and Vice-Provost, Digital Strategies. In addition, she oversees the Centre for Teaching Support and Innovation (CTSI) and supports the administration of many of the major teaching awards and grant programs at the University.

Office Location

University of Toronto St. George Campus
65 St. George Street, Toronto ON, M5S 2E5
Room 106

OVPIUE Staff Directory


Clare Gilderdale
Director, Innovations in Undergraduate Education
Support for institutional initiatives related to undergraduate education, student academic success, and academic systems416-946-8251
Headshot of Clare Gilderdale
Monica Mc Sheim
Executive Assistant to the Vice-Provost, Innovations in Undergraduate Education
Support for Vice-Provost’s calendar and meetings416-946-7772
Headshot of Monica Mc Sheim

Teaching Initiatives, Teaching Awards & Grants

Jennifer Evans
Manager, Teaching Initiatives
Support for teaching awards and grants; teaching initiatives; undergraduate research; experiential learningj.evans@utoronto.caHeadshot of Jennifer Evans
Sania Hameed
Special Projects Officer, Teaching Initiatives
Support for teaching awards and grants; teaching initiatives; undergraduate research; experiential learningsania.hameed@utoronto.ca
Nina Mondre Schweppe (Interim)
Coordinator, Teaching Initiatives
Support for teaching awards and grants; teaching initiatives; communicationsnina.schweppe@utoronto.caNina Mondre Schweppe Headshot
Tegan Mannisto (on leave)
Coordinator, Teaching Initiatives
Support for teaching awards and grants; teaching initiatives; communications416-978-1500
Headshot of Tegan Mannisto

Digital Transformation

Nilton Gaspar
Systems & Product Lead, Experiential Learning
Support for experiential learning; technology & systemsnilton.gaspar@utoronto.caA photo of Nilton Gaspar
Kevin Matos
Systems Support Analyst, Experiential Learning
Support for experiential learning; technology & systemskevin.matos@utoronto.ca
Lei Liang
Systems Support Analyst, Experiential Learning
Support for experiential learning; technology & systemsll.liang@utoronto.caHeadshot of Lei Liang
Katrina Persad
Project Specialist & Analyst, Experiential Learning
Support for experiential learning; technology & systemskatrina.persad@utoronto.ca

Academic Analytics

Jeff Burrow
Special Projects Officer
Support for Academic Analytics; Quercus Learning Analytics416-946-8251
Headshot of Jeff Burrow
Alan da Silveira Fleck
Data Analyst, Learning Analytics
Support for Quercus Learning Analyticsalan.fleck@utoronto.caHeadshot of Alan da Silveira Fleck

Curriculum Development

Jessie Richards
Curriculum Development Specialist
Support for program design and assessment; curriculum creation and change416-978-2751
Headshot of Jessie Richards

Generative AI

Emily Greenleaf
Special Projects Officer, Generative AI
Support for initiatives related to Generative AI, including the University of Toronto AI Task Forceemily.greenleaf@utoronto.ca

Institutional Partnerships

The teaching culture at U of T is derived from leadership and engagement at both local and institutional levels, creating a diverse ecology of teaching supports across all three campuses. Read more about our Institutional Partnerships to explore other pedagogical support units with whom we collaborate, as well as key project partners for our major initiatives.

Monthly Newsletter

The OVPIUE distributes a monthly newsletter dedicated to keeping divisional partners informed on institutional priorities and updates and events related to our priorities, such as teaching awards & grants, experiential learning, and academic analytics, as well as key events and updates from our institutional partners including the Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation and the Centre for Community Partnerships.

Contact Us

We welcome your comments, feedback and questions. If you have feedback or a question related to the OVPIUE portfolio, please contact vp.iue@utoronto.ca.