LEAF Expression of Interest Name of Project Lead(s)*Job Title(s) of Project Lead(s)*Email(s) of Project Lead(s)*Division(s)/Unit(s) of Project Lead(s)*Please list the division or unit of each Project LeadLEAF Stream*Seed Grant (up to $10,000 for 1-3 years)Impact Grant (up to $100,000 for 1-3 years)LEAF Priority Area*Please identify the LEAF priority area that best describes your project. If “Other,” please expand upon how your proposed project impacts and expands innovation in the undergraduate student experience. Experiential LearningStudent SuccessTechnology in the ClassroomEquitable and Inclusive TeachingOtherIf you selected, "Other," use the space below to explain how your project supports LEAF's mandate.*Proposed Project Title*Project Description*In your project description, please note the project / initiative, how the project is connected to the curricular experience for students, project outcomes and the potential student impact. Please keep your project description to 300 words or less. Partnerships*LEAF aims to foster partnerships both within and across divisions. Please describe any proposed or possible partnerships relevant to your project / initiative or units you might consult with in the development of your project / initiative.Does your project plan to attend to Indigenous ways of knowing and being in the development of curriculum / classroom activities, or engage with Indigenous Elders, Knowledge Keepers and / or community members?* Yes No Indigenous Initiatives*LEAF Expression of Interests that indicate their intent to work with Indigenous Elders, Knowledge Keepers and / or Elders, as well as projects that plan to attend to Indigenous ways of knowing and being in their curriculum / classroom, will be reviewed by the Office of Indigenous Initiatives and / or appropriate divisional offices. Please share details of any consultations you have undertaken to support your work in this space to date.Budget*In broad terms, please describe how you will be allocating your proposed budget. As you’re thinking about your budget, consider reviewing the LEAF budget template and guidelines that share details about allowable expenses. Both resources can be found on the Teaching Awards & Grants Resources webpage, under “Resources to Support Grant Applications”: https://uoft.me/LEAFsupportsHave you received and/or applied for another grant at U of T for this project (i.e., through your division / academic unit or a different institutional grant) Yes No Which grant have you received/applied for? How will you use those funds to support this project?CAPTCHA